terms and conditions

Attendee terms and conditions

Please read this carefully because it sets out the terms of a legally binding agreement between you and RLC Global Forum. By registering to attend an Event (digital or physical), you confirm that you have read and agree to these terms.

A. Registering for Events
B. Attending Events
C. Use of Your Details
D. Terms for Speakers
E. Limitations on RLC Global Forum’s Liability
F. General Legal Provisions

A. Registration for Events

Placing a request for an invitation

  1. The following terms apply when you are requesting an invitation to attend an Event in person (physical) or online (digital). Some Events can be attended as either a physical or a digital Event. Individuals who attend (or register to attend) any Event are referred to in these terms as “Attendees”.
  2. On requesting an invitation, you must provide RLC Global Forum with accurate, complete registration information and it is your responsibility to update RLC Global Forum with any changes to that information. RLC Global Forum is entitled to rely on any information you provide to us.
  3. Each registration is for a single user only. The email address that you provide on the Request an Invitation form must correspond to a named business email account and not a generic or shared email account.

Confirmation o registration

  1. All requests for an invitation are subject to availability and acceptance by RLC Global Forum, which will be confirmed by email after RLC Global Forum has received the completed Request an Invitation form, along with any other stated requirements..
  2. Upon RLC Global Forum’s written confirmation to you of its acceptance of your request for a place at an Event there will be a legally binding contract between RLC Global Forum and you to which these terms apply.
  3. RLC Global Forum reserves the right to refuse to accept any request for an invitation in its absolute discretion.

Digital Services

Your email address will comprise your ID (“ID”) for logging in to any Digital Services, where “Digital Services” means (a) any digital networking app or other tools provided for use at any Event and/or (b) any website or app used to host a Digital Event or to provide Community Features (as defined in Section B below) for a digital Event.

You are responsible for all use of any Digital Services made by you or anyone else using your ID and for preventing unauthorized use of your ID. In particular, where we provide you with a unique link for logging in to any Digital Services, you should ensure that this is not shared with anyone else, as it will be tied to your ID.

If you believe there has been any breach of security such as the disclosure, theft or unauthorized use of your ID or any payment information, you must notify RLC Global Forum immediately by emailing us at info@globalforum.com.

Changes, Cancellations and Postponements

In certain circumstances, it may be necessary for RLC Global Forum to alter the content, format, or timing of an online Event. All Attendees will be notified of such changes prior to the online Event.

In exceptional circumstances, RLC Global Forum may need to postpone or cancel an online Event, and we will notify you as soon as practically possible of any such postponement or cancellation.

RLC Global Forum reserves the right to cancel your attendance at the Event if you (or any of the shareholders or directors of the legal entity which you represent) become(s) subject to any sanction, or continuation of these terms would (in the reasonable opinion of RLC Global Forum) expose RLC Global Forum or any of its affiliated companies to any sanction.

B. Attending Events

Your access to a physical Event

  1. Please advise us of any special access requirements at the time of making your registration for any physical Event.
  2. RLC Global Forum reserves the right, without any liability, to refuse you admission or eject you from any physical Event for failure to comply with these Terms; or if in RLC Global Forum’s opinion you represent a security risk, nuisance, or annoyance to the running of the Event.
  3. RLC Global Forum will not be liable for any kind of loss or damage to you or your personal property at any physical Event, unless caused by our negligence.
  4. Materials distributed by or on behalf of RLC Global Forum may not be reproduced without RLC Global Forum ’s permission.

Filming, photographs and recordings

  1. Except as otherwise instructed at a physical Event, video and/or audio recordings and photographs are not permitted.
  2. You acknowledge that any physical Event or part of it may be filmed by audio, visual, audio-visual or electronic means or photographed, including photographs of individual Attendees or groups of Attendees. You agree to permit RLC Global Forum , or any third party licensed by RLC Global Forum, to use and distribute such footage and photographs, which may feature images of you, in all or any media (including social media) whether now known or hereafter to be invented throughout the world in perpetuity for the purposes of advertising, publicity, reporting and otherwise in relation to the exploitation of such recordings and photographs. Please inform the photographer if you do not wish to be included in any individual or group photographs.

Your access to an online Event

  1. The online Event is a web-based event which can be accessed through desktop or mobile devices using the link provided in the confirmation email sent to You. The online Event can be accessed live or for a limited time after it has taken place.
  2. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary desktop or mobile equipment and internet connection for accessing the online Event.
  3. RLC Global Forum reserves the right, without any liability, to refuse you access or eject you from the online Event for failure to comply with these Terms; or if in RLC Global Forum’s opinion you represent a security risk, nuisance, or annoyance to the running of the online Event.
  4. You are not permitted to make your own video or audio recordings of the online Event or use any photographs or screenshots of the online Event for commercial purposes, unless explicitly permitted by RLC Global Forum.
  5. Materials distributed by or on behalf of RLC Global Forum in connection with an online Event may not be reproduced without RLC Global Forum’s permission.

Attendee Content and Community Features

  1. An online Event may include features allowing Attendees to post questions, comments, messages, and other content (together, “Attendee Content”).
  2. The online Event may allow all or some Attendees to access additional networking features (“Community Features”) that enable them to directly contact other Attendees who have access to the same features.
  3. Attendee Content may comprise either:

(a) Attendee Content that is visible to any Attendee who accesses the online Event or any session within the online Event (“Public Content”).

(b) Attendee Content that is visible only to any Attendee with access to the Community Features in which it is posted (“Community Content”).

(c) Attendee Content that is visible only to the individual Attendee or Attendees to which it is addressed, using any private messaging functionality within the online Event (“Private Content”).

  1. You must not post, link to, or otherwise publish any Attendee Content that:

-is not your own original work or which infringes the copyright or other rights of any third party

-contains any form of advertising or promotion for goods and services or any spam or other form of unsolicited communication

-is threatening, offensive, libelous, indecent, or otherwise unlawful

-is discriminatory in nature for example, comments which make attacks on the grounds of race, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or age

-is a personal attack to any speaker or any other individual participating in the online Event

-contains viruses, files or code designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of the Site, the online Event or any computer or equipment.

  1. You acknowledge that RLC Global Forum cannot control the Attendee Content posted by others, so we cannot therefore guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of any Attendee Content. Some users may not behave properly and may post Attendee Content that is misleading, untrue, or offensive.
  2. RLC Global Forum reserves the right to monitor or review any Public or Community Content, though it is not possible for us to fully monitor all Public Content or Community Content. RLC Global Forum also reserves the right to access and review any Private Content in respect of which any complaint is made by its recipient. RLC Global Forum may remove any Attendee Content potentially in breach of these terms. We may also ban an Attendee from posting any further Attendee Content or exclude them from the online Event.
  3. If you post any Public Content, you are granting RLC Global Forum a right (but not an obligation) unlimited in time to publish, re-use, archive, modify, delete, or commercially exploit that Public Content in whole or in part as we see fit, without any requirement to compensate you for this and with or without attribution to you.

C. Use of Your Details

  • All information received by us from your use of our Digital Services or your attendance at any Event will be used by RLC Global Forum in accordance with our privacy policy. read this for details of how we may process your personal data. In particular, RLC Global Forum may contact you as required for the organization and administration of the Digital Services or any Event.
  • If you provide RLC Global Forum with an email address that will result in any messages RLC Global Forum may send you being sent to you via a network or device operated or owned by a third party (e.g., your employer or colleague) then you promise that you are entitled to receive those messages. You also agree that RLC Global Forum may stop sending messages to you without notifying you.
  • Where an Event is stated (in the booking process of that Event) to have an “Attendee List”, this means that the names, job titles and organizations of all registered Attendees at that Event will be included on a list that is provided to speakers and sponsoring companies.
  • For online Events, the Attendee List is not made available to Attendees (other than speakers and sponsoring companies, as set out in paragraph 3 above). However, your details may be available to other Attendees if you post Attendee Content or make use of Community Features, as those terms are defined in under “Attendee Content and Community Features” in section B above.
  • RLC Global Forum will only contact you for marketing purposes and will only pass on your contact details to sponsors for marketing purposes, to the extent that you agree to this.

D. Terms for Speakers

  • If you are a speaker or moderator at an online Event, you acknowledge that any or all of the following may apply to your involvement in the online Event:

You may be recorded (video and/or audio) and/or photographed during the course of your contribution to the Event, and RLC Global Forum may make such recordings or photographs publicly available at RLC Global Forum’s discretion.

RLC Global Forum may share your contact details with other Speakers and/or sponsors for the Event, for purposes relating to your participation in the Event; and

RLC Global Forum may mention you on our RLC Global Forum Live Twitter feed and other social media channels, with or without your photograph.

If you have any concerns about any of the above, please speak to your RLC Global Forum contact for the online Event.

  1. If you are a speaker or moderator at any online Event, it is your responsibility to ensure you have the necessary equipment and internet access to participate in the online Event. Details will be provided of who to contact if you encounter any technical difficulties before or during your participation in the Event.
  2. You confirm that your contribution to the online Event will comprise your own original content and that you will either own, or have permission to use, any materials you use, distribute or display at the Event (for example, any slides, handouts, or other presentation materials).

E. Limitations on RLC Global Forum’s Liability

Event content
    1. In these terms, “Event Content” means any content communicated, supplied, displayed, or otherwise made available by us, or by any speakers, at or in connection with any Event. This includes, but is not limited to, any presentations, handouts, slides, or audiovisual materials.
    2. Event Content is only for your general information and entertainment purposes and is not intended to address your particular requirements. In particular, Event Content does not constitute any form of advice, recommendation, representation, endorsement, or arrangement by RLC Global Forum or by any speaker.
    3. Views expressed by speakers are their own and RLC Global Forum disclaims all liability for advice given or views expressed during an Event.
  • Any agreements, transactions or other arrangements made between you and any other Attendee at any Event (or any other user of any Digital Services) are at your own responsibility and entered at your own risk.
  • RLC Global Forum promises to develop and operate any Events and any Digital Services with reasonable skill and care and in accordance with good industry practice and all applicable laws.
  • RLC Global Forum does not provide any other promises or warranties about any Events, Digital Services or Event Content. Digital Services and Event Content are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. This means that RLC Global Forum does not make any promises in respect of any Events or Digital Services or the services and functions available at, on or through any Events or Digital Services or of the quality, completeness, or accuracy of any Event Content other than as expressly stated above.
  • Without limiting the above, RLC Global Forum is not liable for matters beyond its reasonable control. RLC Global Forum does not control third party communications networks (including your internet service provider), the internet, acts of force majeure or the acts of third parties.
  • You agree that if we are in breach of these terms, we will only be responsible to you for any damages that you incur arising out of your attendance at any Events or your use of any Digital Services or Event Content (to the extent that RLC Global Forum’s liability is not otherwise excluded by this section F) as follows:
  • If you sustain any loss as a result of attending an online Event or using any Digital Services or Event Content outside the scope of these terms, RLC Global Forum accepts no responsibility (liability) to you for this. You will be responsible for all claims, liabilities, damages, cost, and expenses suffered or incurred as a result of your breach of these terms.
  • RLC Global Forum will only be responsible for loss or damage you suffer which is the reasonably foreseeable result of RLC Global Forum’s breach of a legal duty of care owed to you, but in no event shall the liability of the RLC or its affiliates exceed the amount, if any, paid by you to the RLC Global Forum for the Event.
  • RLC Global Forum will not be responsible to you for any loss or damage suffered by your business, such as lost data, lost profits, or any business interruption.
9. The limitations of liability in this section E apply for the benefit of RLC Global Forum, its affiliates, including those listed in the section headed “RLC Global Forum contracting entity” below, and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, or any company who we transfer our rights and obligations to in accordance with these terms.

F. General Legal Provisions

RLC Global Forum contracting entity
  1. By registering for an Event, you are entering into a contract with RLC Global Forum.
  1. These terms contain the entire agreement between you and RLC Global Forum.
  2. If any provision of these terms is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision will be severed and the remainder of the provisions will continue in full force and effect as if the terms had been executed with the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision omitted.
  3. Any express or implied waiver to perform any obligations under these terms will not prevent the subsequent enforcement of them.
  4. These terms will be governed by US law, and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the US courts. Nothing in this clause will limit RLC Global Forum’s right to take proceedings against you in any other court of competent jurisdiction.
  5. If you have any questions about these Terms & Conditions, please contact info@rlcglobalforum.com.
Changes to these terms
  1. These terms were revised on July 15,2024 and apply until these terms are superseded by a new version.
  2. RLC Global Forum may update these terms for legal or regulatory reasons, or to reflect changes in our services or business practices. We will provide notice of any significant changes in this section of our terms. You should regularly check this section to see if any changes have been made.