View from the Top Shaping the Future with Purpose

Within the realm of business leadership, the fusion of purpose with strategy stands out as a fundamental driver.

Yasser Joharji, CEO and Board Member at Nahdi Medical Company discussed with Debashish Mukherjee, Partner, Middle East & Africa Lead, Consumer & Retail, Kearney the importance and impact of purposeful business strategies.

Purpose is defined not merely as an aim but as the very essence of existence within the business realm, serving as a catalyst for magnifying the impact of actions across various sectors. This principle is particularly resonant within retail and healthcare, where the application of purpose transforms everyday transactions into opportunities for enriching lives. Authenticity in embracing purpose is critical, as a North Star guiding decision-making processes and fostering a culture of passion and extra capacity among teams, ultimately steering businesses towards success.

The narrative of Nahdi Medical Company exemplifies this, where purpose has been a foundational element since its inception, focusing on enhancing health and wellness for their customers—termed as guests. This commitment to purpose is illustrated through personalized service solutions, such as the facilitation of access to specialty medicine, showcasing how purpose-driven initiatives can concurrently achieve business growth and societal benefit.

The coexistence of profit and purpose underscores the necessity of authenticity in purpose implementation. Authentic purpose serves as a compass, prioritizing guest well-being even amidst challenges, such as ensuring the availability of essential goods during critical periods like the Covid-19 pandemic. Such actions underscore the belief in purpose preceding profit, with every decision rooted in enhancing guest lives.

Nahdi’s approach extends beyond the immediate sphere of retail, embracing digital innovation to expand its reach and impact. Through telemedicine and enhanced digital platforms, Nahdi has significantly increased medication adherence, demonstrating the scalability of purpose-driven initiatives in improving health outcomes. The call to personal health responsibility underscores the broader message: embracing a purposeful life enhances both individual well-being and the collective health of the community.

The integration of purpose with business strategy emerges as a transformative paradigm, where the genuine pursuit of enriching lives drives both societal progress and commercial success. This approach not only redefines the role of enterprises in society but also exemplifies the profound impact of leading with purpose.

Purpose in life is meaning. And meaning, I believe, is a multiplier. If you apply meaning to anything you do, you have the ability to multiply the effect of whatever you’re doing.

Yasser Joharji